My Baby Survived A 40 Minute Cardiac Arrest

I’ve been sharing our journey a little over six months now, my daughter, the struggles that come with her severe brain injury and how our lives differ because of it.. but I never shared how she got her brain injury in the first place.

I’ve been sharing our journey a little over six months now, my daughter, the struggles that come with her severe brain injury and how our lives differ because of it.. but I never shared how she got her brain injury in the first place.

There are a few reasons I held back on sharing her story, and the what happened leading up to her event.

I was ashamed, embarrassed, scared, angry.. a lot of emotions went into mu decision of keeping that part of our journey private. But most of all, I just wasn’t ready to relive it.

No matter how your baby acquired their injury or condition, the event itself will always hold some deep emotions that plague the back of your mind. I’m sure I have PTSD.. I’m self diagnosing here, I’ve not spoken to a professional about my feeling since Avery left hospital (I do plan to in the future).

I finally decided to share the story of Avery’s cardiac arrest, why? Because if opening up my life on the internet has taught me anything it’s that I’m not alone.

What gave me the final push to publish this video, is that I decided to donate the Adsense to the charity that helped us when we were going through the worst time of our lives.

The Grand Appeal are a Charity that work with Bristol Royal Hospital For Children, they offer so much to children and their families that are in hospital.

For my husband and I, they gave us a place to stay so we could be close to our newborn daughter when she was fighting for her life.

It’s an incredible cause and I would encourage everyone to donate, even if you just watch the video, you are still contributing.

Learn more about The Grand Appeal here –

I am going to add a TRIGGER WARNING here, I go into detail in these videos, viewer discretion is advised.

All Adsense from this video is being donated to The Grand Appeal
The second part of our journey