Special Needs Family Life

How I Knew My Child Had Autism

In my son’s first few years, there were definitely signs, but it wasn’t until he started pre-school that it really became a question – Is my child ‘different’?

My son, Zachary was diagnosed with Autism when he was four years old. 

In his first few years, there were definitely signs, but it wasn’t until he started preschool that it really became a question – Is my child ‘different’?

In this video I talk all about those little signs and gut feelings I had when Zachary was a baby. I was a young Mum, only nineteen when he was born, I’d never had any experience with child development (other than the brief year I studied in high school), I thought he was just a bit behind, but nothing I should be concerned about.

In this video I talk about those little signs and gut feelings I had when Zachary was a baby. As well as the journey to his diagnosis, his other medical conditions and how he’s doing now.